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운영중인 공식 누리집보기
영.미 가곡 100 곡집 [악보]. = British & American art songs / 성악 예술 동인회 편.
2 판.
서울 : 世光音樂出版社, 1986.
430 p. : 악보 ; 26 cm.
p.156~ 162 페이지 없음(Blow, blow, thou winter wind 부분)
Bartlet, John
When from my love I Iookte = 10
Britten, Benjamin
A cradle song = 13
Death, be not proud = 17
Let the florid music praise! = 22
Oh my blacke Soule! = 28
Seascape = 32
Since she whom I loved = 39
The highland balou = 43
Campion, Thomas
Beauty is but a painted hell = 46
Her rosie cheekes = 49
The peaceful westerne winde = 53
Delius, Frederick
To Daffodils = 57
Dowland, John
Away with these self-loving lads = 60
Come away = 64
Shall I sue, shall I seeke for grace? = 70
Elgar, Edward
A Song of autumn = 75
Is she not passing fair? = 81
Like to the damask rose = 87
Gibbs, C. Armstrong
Crowning = 93
Revelation = 98
Head, Michael
The ships of Arcady = 103
Beloved = 108
A blackbird singing = 111
Nocturne = 114
Hughes, Herbert
O men from the fields = 118
Parry, C. Hubert H.
A spring song = 122
Purcell, Henry
An Evening Hymn = 126
If music be the food of love = 133
Music for a while = 139
The blessed Virgin's expostulation = 143
Quilter, Roger
Blow, blow, thou winter wind = 152
Come away, death = 158
My life's delight = 162
O mistress mine = 166
Weep you no more = 169
Scott, Cyril
Villanelle = 172
Somervell, Arthur
Come into the garden, Maud = 175
On the idle hill of Summer = 184
White in the moon the long road lies = 188
Stanford, C. Villiers
A lullaby = 192
Cuttin' rushes = 195
The Fairy lough = 202
The rain it raneth every day = 208
Vaughan-Williams, Ralph
Hugh's song of the road = 212
Let Beauty awake = 221
Silent noon = 225
The roadside fire = 230
The vagabond = 235
White, Maude Valerie
Crabbed age and youth = 241
Ophelia's Song = 246
Argento, Dominick
Dirge = 251
Spring = 254
Sleep = 258
Bacon, Ernst
Stars = 261
The Lamb = 264
Barber, Samuel
At Saint Patrick's purgatory = 268
I hear an army = 271
Rain has fallen = 276
St. Ita's vision = 280
Sure on this shining night = 284
The daisies = 286
The desire for hermitage = 288
The monk and his cat = 292
The secrets of the old = 296
Bernstein, Leonard
Plum pudding = 299
Extinguish my eyes... = 302
When my soul touches yours... = 306
Carpenter, John Alden
Serenade = 309
When I bring to you colour'd toys = 316
Copland, Aaron
At the river = 320
Ching-a-ring chaw = 323
Dear March, come in! = 329
Going to Heaven! = 335
Nature, the gentlest mother = 341
The world feels dusty = 346
The little horses = 348
Diamond, David
Brigid's song = 351
Griffes, Charles T.
By a lonely forest pathway = 353
The lament of Ian the proud = 356
Hageman, Richaard
“Do not go, my love”= 361
Ives, Charles
form “The Swimmers”= 365
Ann street = 370
At the river = 372
The White gulls = 374
West London = 376
Kreutz, Robert
December lark = 379
Latham, William P.
The new love and the old = 381
Lekberg, Sven
Birds singing at dusk = 385
Persichetti, Vincent
Out of the morning = 388
Thou child so wise = 390
Pfautsch, Lloyd
Lute book lullaby = 393
Read, Gardner
A white blossom = 395
Rorem, Ned
Spring and fall = 399
The lordly Hudson = 402
For Susan = 407
Clouds = 410
What sparks and wiry cries = 412
Thomson, Virgil
English usage = 415
The tiger = 419
Preciosilla = 424