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운영중인 공식 누리집보기
현대판화의 이해 . 1. [슬라이드].
서울 : 문예진흥원, 1983.
슬라이드 80매 ; 35 mm: col.
1. Auxiliary tools in wood-cutting, top to bottom(左) ; Other tools for texturing wood(右). -- 2. The relief print, hand printing. -- 3. The folly of war (1971). -- 4. Improvisation II (1959). -- 5. Relief rolled electronic circuit panel. -- 6. Cycle of a large sea, unbeing myself (1961). -- 7. Mezzotint chart. -- 8. Des Oeufs pour ta Fete (1960). -- 9. Snapshots from underground (1971). -- 10. Untitled (1970). -- 11. Object Trouve #1 (1968). -- 12. Print-crying methods. -- 13. ピカソ ランプの下の靜物. -- 14. 氣まぐれ. -- 15. アルビオンの岩の間のアリマテアのヨゼプ (1803~10). -- 33. 여자마술사 (1978). -- 38. 전원시 3 (1845). -- 44. 실낙원 제9권 (1866). -- 48. Vega pauk (1970). -- 49. Floating two (1981). -- 52. Landscape with a wood-ring (1981). -- 55. Out of time 81-1 (1981). -- 58. Great American nude cut out (1970). -- 60. Transparent waves lanka (1981). -- 65. L'Homme au chapeau (1961). -- 67. Les deux Oiseaux (1967). -- 69. Ben Shann January 18 to February 12 (1964). -- 77. Wrapped tree (1978~79). -- 79. The word (1972). -- 80. Heart stone (1963).
판화 d최영 ,